The Panhandle region of Nebraska is a beautiful and diverse area, with rocky buttes, small peaks, forests, meadows, sand hills, prairies, river valleys, canyons, ridges and rugged hills. Taking a little time to view all our photos will quickly dispel any idea about Nebraska being all flat! There are hundreds of miles of trails and old logging roads through these scenic areas, providing excellent hiking and some of the nation's very best mountain biking opportunities. Visitors to the region will appreciate finding uncrowded conditions. Guests enjoy clean air, great western Nebraska hospitality and comfortable facilities. What Panhandle residents enjoy right in "their backyard", many people elsewhere in our nation have to travel long distances for. It is the goal for Panhandle Trails to help the development of responsible hiking and mountain biking on all area trails.
Please take a few minutes to tour this site and look for information that may help you plan your next trip on one of the area trails or summits. Those that are new to hiking, mountain biking or geocaching will enjoy the Panhandle's beautiful scenery, fresh air, wildlife, and a chance to improve their fitness. The site menu will give you access to the content of Panhandle Trails. Feel free to contact us with updates, additions, corrections. This is a volunteer effort, so your consideration of that is appreciated!
Several major forest fires in recent years plus pine beetles have created some hazardous falling tree conditions ("snags") for hikers and mountain bikers. The Forest Service posts notices of snags in affected areas, where those dead trees are prone to fall over in windy conditions, but can even fall in non-windy conditions. If you venture into these areas, please be aware of the dangers and use extreme caution! These can be life-threatening situations.
Throughout Panhandle Trails, you will notice verses from The Bible. These are in honor of the Great Creator of all the beauty you behold in Nebraska’s Panhandle and the world around us.