There are several ways you can help the cause of improving hiking and biking trails. In some parts of the nation, hiking or biking groups are welcomed to conduct trail work days, making repairs and/or upgrades to existing trails. Some of the more ambitious groups have actually procured the rights, resources, and finances to construct new trails.
The National Forest Service generally has a "Public Lands Day" on September 30, where citizens can do cleanup and maintenance work on National Forest lands. State parks often hold at least one "cleanup" or work day each year, where the public is invited to contribute their time and efforts for improvements. If you would like to volunteer your time to help out at state parks or with the National Forest Service, please contact the office nearest you. You can also check to see if any of the agencies that do the trails upkeep, will accept financial contributions.
Hikers and bikers in the Chadron area can help out the cause of establishing a connecting trail from Chadron out to the Pine Ridge Trail system, by contacting their elected officials for new funding and support. Easements through small portions of private land between Chadron and National Forest Service land would also be needed to accomplish this. So, FRIENDLY input from hiking and biking enthusiasts to the affected landowners would also be very helpful. Also, support from elected officials is needed to finish the rest of the 321-mile Cowboy Trail into Chadron, which seems to have stalled out from Valentine west. Please ask them to restore and increase critical funding for trails and recreational programs. Below, you will find contact information for Nebraska's elected officials: